Monday, May 18, 2009

Never Too Old!

I have always loved dancing and wanted to be a ballerina when I grew up. However it was not destined to be because of health issues. I grew up instead to be a balletomane and an ardent lover of all kinds of dancing.

This morning, the New York Times announced a new blog called "LENS," a visual blog of photographs, videos, and slide shows. Being an amateur photographer, I was delighted. Amateur originally meant "one who loves" and I love to take pictures! The blog for May 17, 2009 was "From the Archive: Steppping Out, Gingerly." It was about a dance troupe called "Steppers" who perform ballet, modern dance, tap and African dance for anyone who are willing to pay for their transportation! They are 20 women, age 59 to 87, who nearly all have a handicap but try to help other people feel good. They were founded by Lois and Frank Smith at the Citizens Care Senior Center in Harlem in 1990.

Bravo! I so admire your attitude and spirit. You know how to grow old with grace and charm making the most of what you have. Bravo!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Sarah,
    I saw the article and agree with you.
